Adding or removing a channel slot from Buffer

⭐️ This article applies to anyone on our pay-per-channel pricing. If you'd like to learn more about these plans visit our pricing page or email us at

The cost of your subscription plan is based on the total number of channel slots available for your account.

What counts as a channel? Each social account you connect is a channel. For instance, a Facebook Page, Facebook Group, X/Twitter profile, Linked Page and Linked Profile would count as 5 channels.

How many channel slots should you purchase? Well, one social channel fits into each channel slot. For instance, if I have a Facebook Page, a LinkedIn profile, and a Facebook group, I’ll purchase three channel slots.

How can I add or remove channels slots? Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on your profile avatar at the top right of your dashboard and then click Channels from the drop down menu.
  2. Click Add or Remove Channels on the top of the page.

Buffer Channels page - Add or Remove Channels button

  1. Click - or + depending on whether you’d like to add or remove the total number of channel slots.

Buffer increase or decrease channels options

  1. Once you’ve decided on the total number of channel slots, you’ll see any pending payment that’s due today and the changes to your monthly or yearly payments. Click Confirm and Pay to finalize the change.

Curious about a bill or charge? Check out our guide: Why was I charged that? Your bill, taxes, and VAT explained.

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