Google Business Profile error library

When connecting your Google Business Profile to Buffer, there are a few settings that need to be in place, otherwise Buffer can run into an error. Additionally, when publishing, there will be instances when Google refuses the post and replies with an error message.

This guide can help you navigate errors in the connection and posting processes. Search the “Error” column below for the error you see, and then troubleshoot with the advice in the “Solutions” column on the right.

Error Reason for error message Solution

Error when connecting your channel:

"Looks like we hit a snag. Would you mind trying again? Something went wrong while trying to connect your channel. Check out our troubleshooting guide, and if the problem persists, please get in touch."

Unfortunately, we're currently experiencing issues during the connection process when there are "Groups" created within the Google Business Profile Manager.

If there is a "Group" established and a connection is attempted, an error message regarding a "Snag" would be encountered. We're aware of this issue and we're working to identify a solution.

As a workaround, please invite a new Google Account without "Groups" established to manage the Google Business Profiles. This account will then be able to successfully connect your Google Business Profile to Buffer.

Error when connecting your channel:

"Make sure you're signing in with a Google account with permissions for the profile you're looking to connect."

⚠️ Before you walk through the steps to connect your Google Business to Buffer it's important to login to the correct Google account that owns the Google Business profile.
  1. Head to and Login to the Google Business account that owns the Business profile you're trying to connect.
  2. Head to your dashboard.
  3. Select Manage Channels > Add Channel and walk through the steps to finish adding your Google Business Profile to Buffer.

Error when posting:

"It looks like we can't publish posts to this Google Business Profile."

There may be an issue with your Google Business Profile that is preventing Buffer from posting.

Please try creating a post natively on your Google Business Profile to see if the post publishes successfully or if Google sends back an error with more information.

If you're able to publish directly on your Google Business Profile but not through Buffer, or if you are hitting any other error, email our Customer Advocates at for help.

Error when posting:

"Sorry about this, but it looks like the background information of the image is causing issues for the Google Business Profile. Reach out and we can help walk you through removing that data."

The issue is going to be with some of the background data of the image. This EXIF data is added to images to provide additional information including if the image has been rotated from landscape to portrait or if it is a multi-frame image. This data isn't supported by Google Business accounts. You can easily view and remove EXIF data from an image before adding it to Buffer. One tool that allows you to remove EXIF data is
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