Changing user permissions in your organization

You may need to change user permissions from time to time in your organization. Some examples include giving a team member access to a channel you’ve recently connected, removing a user’s access to specific channels, or adding Admin access for a user.

This guide will help you edit all of your user permissions, but if you're starting from scratch, visit our article: Adding users and setting up permissions in your organization.

In this article:

  1. Editing a user’s channel permissions
  2. Adding or removing a user on a channel
  3. Assigning permissions in bulk
  4. Editing a user’s admin privileges

Editing a user’s channel permissions

Please follow these steps to edit your user’s channel permissions.

  1. Click on your profile avatar at the top right of your dashboard and then click Team.
  2. From your organization dashboard, click on the user you'd like to work with.
  3. To add or change permissions the user has access to for a specific channel, use the drop down to change to the desired permissions.

Team member channel permission toggle

Adding or removing a user on a channel

To add a user to a channel, type the channel name in the box below and then choose the access level you’d like to give.

Assign channels in bulk

Or, to remove their access to the channel, click Remove.

Remove team member channel access

Assigning permissions in bulk

If you are managing lots of channels, you may prefer to assign permissions in bulk. This can be done by visiting the user's profile and clicking the assign in bulk link.

Team member assign in bulk

From there, select the channels the user should have access to on the left hand side, and then choose the level of access they should have. Finally, click Save Changes.

Save permissions changes in bulk

Editing a user’s admin privileges

To add or remove admin access from a user in your organization, please follow these steps.

  1. From your organization dashboard, click on the user you'd like to work with.
  2. Click Edit User.

Edit user button in team member settings

  1. Toggle Admin Access to the access you would like to give the user and click Save Changes.

To completely remove a user from your organization, see the guide: Removing a user from your organization.

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