Renaming your Buffer organization

The concept of Buffer Organizations makes it easier to manage your channels and users. By default, your organization will be named "My Organization," which can confuse your users. Because of that, we recommend changing your organization name by following the steps below.

🎥 Keen to learn more about managing your Buffer account settings?

  1. Click on your profile avatar at the top right of your dashboard and then click Settings from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select General on the left-hand side.
  3. Type your new organization name in the text field and click Save Changes.

Buffer General Settings

📝 Your organization name can be up to 100 characters long and cannot include a URL or special characters.

Here's an example of how two distinctly named organizations appear in the account menu, allowing you and your users to easily see which organization you are working with:

Buffer account with multiple organizations

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