Share posts with the Duplicate feature

With so much content on social media now, posts can easily get missed and lost in the flow. We understand that you need to get maximum visibility.

The Duplicate feature allows you to add published posts back into your queue to share another time. Due to social networks becoming much stricter on the duplication of content, we recommend using this feature lightly, and making changes to your posts before sharing them multiple times (learn why: Is it possible to schedule one post to repeat multiple times?)

You can reshare a post from either the queue view or the calendar view

⚠️ There's currently a restriction when duplicating Facebook posts that limits Buffer from being able to copy the text of a Facebook post when duplicating it. Your images/videos will duplicate, but your text will not duplicate. We're working to resolve this.

📝 The Duplicate feature is not available on posts created natively on your social channels; it's only available for posts you originally published through Buffer.

Publishing View

Queue, Drafts, and All Channels

  1. Click the three dots in the lower right corner on the post or draft you'd like to share again and select Duplicate.
  2. Edit the text from the original published post and then schedule your new post.

Sent posts

  1. Click the Sent tab within your publishing dashboard.
  2. Click the three dots in the lower right corner on the post you’d like to share again and select Duplicate.

    Buffer Duplicate post

  3. Make your content changes, then add the post to your queue.

Calendar View

  1. Locate the post within the calendar view. 
  2. Click on the post and then click on the three dots in the lower right corner, then select Duplicate.
  3. Make your content changes, then add the post to your queue.

Duplicate post from the Buffer calendar

📝Are you using the Buffer mobile app? You can find the mobile version of this article here.

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