Is it possible to remove the "Buffer" stamp from posts published to social networks?

Some posts shared through Buffer will display a source stamp or hashtag that mentions that you used Buffer to share the post. This source stamp is something that is added by the social network and some customers have asked if it's possible to remove the mention of Buffer. Sadly, this is not possible as it's something that these social networks require of all third party apps. This article outlines where you will see these stamps.

In this article:

  1. Facebook Pages
  2. Facebook groups
  3. LinkedIn Pages
  4. TikTok business accounts
  5. Mastodon accounts

Facebook Pages

Posts published to Facebook Pages will display a "Published by Buffer" link with the date and time the post was published. This is only visible to Page admins and will not be visible to your page followers.

Published by Buffer marker on a Facebook Page post

Facebook groups

Posts published to Facebook groups will display a "Buffer" link, which is visible to everyone.

Facebook group post with Buffer shown next to the timestamp

Please note, posts published to a Facebook group will appear as being posted by the Facebook member who connected the group to Buffer. Learn more about this here.

LinkedIn Pages

Posts published to LinkedIn Pages will display a "Posted by *name*" link, where *name* would be the person who authorized the connection with Buffer. So, if Angela Smith connected the LinkedIn Page to the Publish account, all posts would display "Posted by Angela Smith". However, this is only visible to Page Admins. Your followers will not see this link.

LinkedIn Page post showing the author name as the person who connected the Page to Buffer

TikTok business accounts

Videos shared to TikTok will have a #Buffer hashtag that will be pre-filled into the caption. This hashtag can be removed while editing the caption. 

Mastodon accounts

Visible to owner of channel and others; this is a source stamp that is added by the social network. Unfortunately, it's not possible to change or remove this app signature as it's a requirement from the social networks for all third-party apps.

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