Adding mentions (tags) in posts

There are times when you'll want to callout another social account in your posts. These are sometimes called "at mentions," "@mentions," or "tags."

In this article:

  1. Facebook page mentions
  2. X/Twitter mentions
  3. Instagram mentions
  4. LinkedIn mentions
  5. Mastodon mentions
  6. TikTok mentions
  7. Threads mentions
  8. Bluesky mentions

đź“ť Notes

  • You can mention (tag) other Facebook Pages, Instagram profiles, LinkedIn Pages, Mastodon users, TikTok accounts, and X/Twitter profiles in posts scheduled through Buffer.
  • It is not currently possible to mention Facebook profiles, Facebook groups, LinkedIn profiles, or Pinterest profiles in posts scheduled through Buffer.
  • It is not possible to use mentions (tags) when creating posts for Facebook Groups.

Facebook page mentions

You can mention other Facebook pages in posts that you are scheduling to be shared to a Facebook page. To mention a Facebook page in your post, type in the @ symbol and start typing the first few letters of the Facebook page you’d like to mention. Matching results will be returned and you can click on the page you'd like to include.

đź“ť If you are posting to more than one social network in the composer, your tag will default to X/Twitter. To ensure you tag the right handle for each social network, choose "Customize for each network" and work directly in the Facebook composer before adding your tags.

Selecting a tagged account from a pop-up list when typing in the tag/mention

Tips for finding the right Facebook page

  • If the page name contains spaces, it can help to replace the space with an underscore symbol when you type the name. For example, "Runner's World" could be typed as "Runners_World" to find the right page.
  • Some brands have multiple Facebook pages under the same name, making it difficult to identify the page you're looking for. Here's an example. Each Facebook page has an ID, which is the string of numbers that appear in the list of matching results. You can find which ID relates to which page by heading to (where you'd replace page-id-here with one of those IDs). You'd then be taken to that specific page.

X/Twitter mentions

Due to API limitations, we’re not able to autocomplete mentions of X/Twitter accounts. That said, you can still include mentions in your post but you would need to type in the exact handle you’d like to include. Once your post is published to X/Twitter, the account you mentioned will become hyperlinked.

Instagram mentions

Due to API limitations, we’re not able to autocomplete mentions of Instagram accounts. That said, you can still include mentions in your post but you would need to type in the exact handle you’d like to include. You can include up to twenty mentions within one post. Once published to Instagram, the account you mentioned will become hyperlinked.

Interested in tagging people in your images? Currently, tagging in images is only available for Instagram posts that are published automatically. Learn more about how image tagging works here.

âť“ Can our Customer Advocacy team answer any questions for you? Feel free to reach out here.

LinkedIn mentions

LinkedIn mentions / tagging works differently from other networks.

To mention a LinkedIn Page (not available for profiles or groups), copy and paste the LinkedIn URL for that Page into the composer (eg: to mention Buffer, you would copy and paste our LinkedIn URL that looks like this:

Unlike other platforms, there isn’t a way to type @PageName to mention a LinkedIn Page. 

Mastodon mentions

You can mention users by typing out their full address, e.g.

Note that any usage of @word will be interpreted as mentioning the local user with the username word, if that user exists.

Only the username part will count against your character limit – the domain is not counted. 

TikTok mentions

You can mention a TikTok user by typing out their exact handle in the caption of your post (e.g. @‌bufferapp). Once published to TikTok, the account you mentioned will become hyperlinked. 

Threads mentions

At this time, we’re not able to autocomplete mentions of Threads or Instagram accounts. That said, you can still include mentions in your Threads post but you would need to type in the exact handle you’d like to include. Once published, the mention should be hyperlinked.

Bluesky mentions (available through our beta program)

Tag other users by inputting their full handle, eg: We don’t currently offer autocomplete of handles, so make sure to type the handle correctly, or copy/paste from their page!

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